Past Virtual Events

In 2021 LaVerne McLeod
created and personally
facilitated several
virtual workshops
to include:
“Creating a World for Everyone”
- Thursday, July 29, 2021 at 2:00pm Pacific Time
This session is part of the Monterey Public Library, “book to action” program. It is a workshop to examine topics to create critical thinking about visions we want to see manifest in order to create an equitable and belonging society for everyone. Formulating actions towards unfolding positive visions is the essence of this workshop. To receive a list of Visions and Action Possibilities email
The Objectives:
- Dissect ideal visions and turn them into action items
- Create additional visions with possible actions
- Practice speaking positive visions for change.
From the Racial Pandemic Series of 2021 there were six personally facilitated and created workshops by LaVerne McLeod
“Creating the Reality of Non-Discrimination & Equity”
- Thursday, July 22, 2021 at 10:00am
To talk about an equitable society is to talk about all human beings playing on the same level playing field. In this session we look at what our ideal society shall be, rather than the issues that have been extensively covered in previous sessions. Let’s take a deeper look at focusing on the dream and start living the solution.
In this workshop, LaVerne McLeod will facilitate with the following agenda:
- Examine avenues leading to an awakening society
- Analyze structures and areas of concern to create change
- Share visions of equity and belonging in an ideal society
“Examining Restorative Justice”
- Thursday, June 24, 2021 at 10:00am Pacific Time
In the name of justice, there are avenues in the United States of America that all-but draw vulnerable, poor Black and Brown kids and adults towards jails and prisons, dividing their world from society. Other pitfalls can be found in health disparity, employment, social services and other arenas. This realm of unjust divisions will be examined and suggestions given towards restoration.
In this workshop, LaVerne McLeod will facilitate with the following agenda:
- Examine what is Restorative Justice
- Give examples of how we can restore justice in unfair systems
- Explore the connection to bridge the inequity gap with suggestions of restoration
“How are Millennials and Younger People Affected by Racial Inequities? What Do They Plan to Do About it?”
- Thursday, May 20, 2021 at 10:00am Pacific Time
Generation Alpha, considered the first group of Millennials’ children, is the youngest current day generation born with little or no knowledge of what existed before the smartphone. Each generational set have viewpoints on racial and ethnic issues and what can be done about them. Each generation discussed will bring forth their set of racial issues and what they feel can be done to solve them. As they are the continuing link to progress towards racial equity and continually dissolving systemic racism, it is of upmost importance that they take the stage.
In this workshop, LaVerne McLeod will facilitate with the following agenda:
- Introduce the generations and the country’s status with regards to racial issues
- Examine why the younger generations care about dissolving racism by sharing their process
- Suggest solutions to help deal with systemic racism
“Can Workplace Equity be Achieved for All Races?”
- Thursday, April 29, 2021 at 10:00am Pacific Time
With the necessary changes that must take place in order that all races play on a level playing field, diversity and equity must be established in the workplace. This is one of the most important issues that challenge companies during this great movement or turning. Surely the 8 minutes and 46 seconds of watching a racist execution in 2020 is not where the state of mind can remain. It is vital to move from this stuck place of inequity and heinous abuse of power to re-structure the various areas of systemic racism. One of these areas of systemic racism is in the workplace. We shall focus on shifting or re-structuring the workplace for persons-of-color and to also include women.
In this workshop, LaVerne McLeod will facilitate with the following agenda:
- a) Examine an overview of workplace inequity and racial diversity
- b) Explore the work to be done in the workplace
- c) Suggest solutions & benefits of hiring diverse populations
“Building Relationships with Persons of Different Cultures
(The Foundation for Community Building)”
- Thursday, March 25, 2021 at 10:00am Pacific Time
In light of the racial upheaval caused when George Floyd was murdered, have you ever wanted to reach out to a person-of-color and let them know you stand beside them in their struggle for equity? As a person-of-color, have you ever wanted to be a friend to someone of another culture but were afraid of what your own race might think? How can I get closer to a community that I live in or one I don’t live in as an advocate to help that community?
In this workshop, LaVerne McLeod will facilitate with the following agenda:
- a) Establish ways to relate to persons of another culture
- b) Examine elements of community building with different cultures
- c) Maintain personal and professional relationships in communities
“Finding Ways to Reduce Racism by Examining Privilege”
- Thursday, February 25, 2021, 10:00am Pacific Time
Privilege is defined as an advantage, a benefit or special right. Who is entitled to it? Are those who are privileged even aware of it? Is it something to be ashamed of? Proud of? Or what?
In order to remove the elements that separate races, it is important to listen and have conversations with one another. Let’s settle this issue about privilege so we can get on with the work needed to challenge the systemic inequities to help bring equity to all people.
In this workshop, LaVerne McLeod will facilitate with the following agenda:
- a) Discuss the meaning of privilege and how it shows up in regards to racism
- b) Listen to privileged and non-privileged activists who are restoring their own humanity
- c) Examine visions to benefit all races and help to eradicate racism
The following Racial Pandemic Series preceded the 2021 series with
four Webinars in 2020. They are the following:
Session #1. “The Racial Crisis & Inner-Actions to Help Heal Our Wounds”
Offered on:
Thursday, April 8 at 10:00am Pacific Time &
Saturday, April 10 at 10:00am Pacific Time
This session might be the hardest to face as it uncovers what we don’t want to see about the past. It also connects us to our wounds through enslaved persons or enslaved owners. Not being willing to reveal and face this piece of American history is what has led us to the current crisis point.
In this workshop, LaVerne McLeod will facilitate with the following agenda:
- Talk about the racial crisis
- Show background history of the crisis and how it perpetuates today
- Give suggested inner-actions to help heal our inner hurt and wounds
Session #2. “Uncovering Systemic Racism Involving Criminal Justice & Pathways to Help Create Change”
Thursday, May 6, 2021 at 10:00am Pacific Time
Saturday, May 8, 2021 at 10:00am Pacific Time
This session reveals the unjust and severe flaw of consciously incarcerating mostly Black and Brown males, thus separating them from society. The time has come to re-habilitate and release human beings who have been victims of petty crimes and serving unjust sentences. Solutions will be offered to help dismantle this system and create change.
In this workshop, LaVerne McLeod will facilitate with the following agenda:
- Examine how black and brown people are funneled into the criminal justice system
- Talk about mass incarceration
- Give suggested action plans to help create a new paradigm
Session #3. “Systemic Racism in the Health Care System & Exploring Possibilities for Equity”
Thursday, June 10, 2021 at 10:00am Pacific Time
Saturday, June 12, 2021 at 10:00am Pacific Time
Systemic racism shows up in the Health Care System in subtle ways that has now been brought to light particularly with the COVID-19 pandemic crisis. This has created a double-death blow considering the racial pandemic. The focus in this session is dismantling inequities in a society that lacks compassion where death statistics have increased. Methods will be discussed to bring forth a new paradigm that can lead to fairness, regardless of the color of one’s skin.
In this workshop, LaVerne McLeod will facilitate with the following agenda:
- Examine what systemic racism in health care looks like
- Look at racial health care inequities as it relates to other systems of inequity
- Explore various avenues for health care equity
Session #4. “Disarming Racial Fear”
Thursday, July 8, 2021 at 10:00am Pacific Time
Saturday, July 10, 2021 at 10:00am Pacific Time
Racial fear is a device to avoid connection with the unfamiliar. It’s time to break the bubbles and dissolve the walls of fear so we can recognize our differences without the emotional phobias that keep racial trauma alive.
In this workshop, LaVerne McLeod will facilitate with the following agenda:
- Look at thought processes about fear
- Talk about how racial fears are played out
- Review practical exercises throughout each part of the session to help dis-arm racial fear.