Let's Create A Better World!
Purple Feather Press
Titles per Year: 1-2
Distributors: Ingram
Website: www.lavernemcleod.com; Purple Feather Press page
Genres Published: Fiction (includes YA and Historical); Non-Fiction
Book Types: Chapter books, Photography collections, Poetry books
Format: Paperback, Hardcover, E-book
Submissions: Not accepting at this time (will notify when submission period is open).
Guidelines will be available when submission period is open:
(E-mail contact, Online Submissions, Hard-copy submissions, Response Time)
Purple Feather Press is a small independent press with the goal of publishing a few titles annually. It is not associated with major publishing house conglomerates. It is our hope to attract major publishing houses, thus merging to a larger reading audience. As a developing business, Purple Feather Press is currently building a reputation for itself.
Open to various genres, we turn a fully written manuscript into Print format (either paperback, hardcover or ready for e-book pub distribution.)
Founded in 2016, Purple Feather Press is a Creative Arts, sole proprietorship business owned by LaVerne McLeod of Big Sur Enterprises. It produces Bridge Building to Equity Webinars and Workshops©2013
Purple Feather Press is proud to announce the publishing of two books written by LaVerne McLeod. The first one you see here is Corn Hollow, an historical fiction. Corn Hollow is now a “2nd Edition” that includes a Character Directory and an Epilogue of stories from various individuals who have experienced racial discriminations. The second book, The Crossroads of Social and Climate Justice was recently published. Scroll down the page and discover this new book to read.
Published by Purple Feather Press
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Corn Hollow: This African American fictitious novel, speaks boldly of the beautiful and horrible encounters of the protagonist, Tamara, while on her quest for an answer. Her journey as a growing youngster in a family that thought differently than she and her older sister, created lots of upheaval. This, combined with the backdrop of the Civil Rights Movement in America, exposed several encounters of injustices; of race and gender, incest and poverty, alcoholism and prostitution.
There was only one force strong enough to unlock all of the disruptions in this rural community. Please patiently read Corn Hollow. Allow yourself to dwell with the characters’ feelings that are often expressed through unorthodox grammar, dialect and diction. Find out about a power so strong that it could break through hell and pinpoint one’s center, not to mention answers.
Suggested for Adult readers with parental permission for YA (Young Adult) fiction where readers discover a never-experienced story of growing up in the agrarian South during the Civil Rights era. Corn Hollow is also an excellent novel for adults as it may uplift them from guilt of a past era.

As mentioned above, Purple Feather Press has published Corn Hollow, an African American fiction, taking place in the South during the rise of the Civil Rights Movement in America. After giving dramatic author presentations of the novel, the author created (BBE) Bridge Building to Equity Workshops©2013, a Purple Feather Press workshop program publication. Her most recent published book, The Crossroads of Social and Climate Justice, is listed above.
BBE deals with exploring tools to help dissolve discriminations of all kind- racial, workplace, gender, sexual orientation, persons with disabilities and other differences as well as religious and age discrimination. The workshops answer the call to “what’s next?” after reading Corn Hollow. With the publication of The Crossroads of Social and Climate Justice, BBE workshops is now including climate and environmental concerns as climate and people are intersectional entities.
The BBE workshop program collections will be used by the author to facilitate and eventually train apprentices who may later become ambassador employees. The collection is not available for purchase.
Another publication of Purple Feather Press falls into the non-availability for purchase category. It is Ken McLeod Big Sur Woodworker, A Photographic Memoir. Due to the requests of privacy from various clients, this book is basically a memoir for family and friends to view. Ken McLeod, Big Sur fine woodworker, designed and built interior furnishings and other items made from a variety of woods. To see some of his work and inquire about it: http://www.mcleodfinewoodworking.com

Featuring Woodworking
by Ken McLeod
Another publication of Purple Feather Press falls into the non-availability for purchase category. It is Ken McLeod, Big Sur Woodworker, A Photographic Memoir. Due to the requests of privacy from various clients, this book is basically a memoir for family and friends to view. Ken McLeod, Big Sur fine woodworker, designed and built interior furnishings and other items made from a variety of woods. To see some of his work and inquire about it: http://www.mcleodfinewoodworking.com